A Solo Podcast. Cognitive Science. Psychology. Wellness. Spirituality.
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In this episode, I discuss a tool that will allow us to begin to build up that confidence in the context of our goals so that we trust in our ability to meet them. Have you been asking for something you don’t think you deserve? Let’s begin to reframe this belief.
Have you ever said something you shouldn’t have in the heat of the moment? Conflict can easily kickstart negative emotions, so it’s important to practice behaviors that build our relationships with others others up, rather than break them down.
After how many times someone tells you they are going to do something and doesn’t do it, would you stop believing them? We are no different with ourselves. This episode dives into why we do not follow through with the actions we want to take and how we can begin believing we actually can.
Vision boards are more than images and quotes you cut out, place on a board, and (never) look at again. They are intended to consistently keep mental tabs on our goals so that when we see potential opportunities in our life, we have the courage and awareness to seek them.
Each and every day we have the power to decide how we would like to respond to any given situation. While we do not have any control over what has already come into our reality, we do have control over the type of attention we give it.
In this episode I introduce a fresh perspective: a way to look at decision-making that may perhaps not consist of making a decision at all.
The Path of Least Resistance doesnt always mean “easy” or “less effort”. This episode explores this concept further through an analogy thanks to Physics.
Your cycle doesn’t only consist of never-ending cramping and switching out feminine products. It is much more than that, and becoming more aware of the various phases our body goes through each and every month will provide us with the fundamentals to curate and personalize our wellness journey.
In this episode, I talk about how our past may be bleeding into our future for the worst, and how we have the agency to change this.
In this episode, I briefly cover the various brain waves, their activity, and how we can use them to work with our desires.