Episode 04: Sweet Talk the Brain in your Sleep


Carving out the time in your day to meditate, journal, or practice mindful breathing is not always in the cards amidst a busy schedule. While these various techniques are effective and I highly recommend that they are implemented, it is more important to practice effective techniques consistently rather than once in a blue moon.

In this episode, I talk about a sneaky little technique that can be implemented two times a day, without even lifting a muscle. This technique leans on a topic in neuroscience that we may just be able use in our favor so that we are working with our bodies natural rythym rather than against. Our brain goes through waves, or neural oscillations all throughout the day and each brain wave has been detected to occur during certain activities.

While this episode briefly covers each wave, the waves that we are most focused on are the Alpha and Theta brain waves, as they are associated with sleep (Theta) and/or relaxation (Alpha). If we are able to catch ourselves slipping into these various states by using similar techniques implemented by genius Albert Einstein and famous artist Salvador Dalí, we may just be able impress our subconscious, opening up our conscious to a world of new possibilities and inspired action.

Stay tuned for the video version of this episode.


Episode 05: How to Stop Activating the Inactive


Episode 03: Telling your Brain “No” may actually be a “Hell yes”. Try this instead.